Maths in our school

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We like making maths as hands on as we can. Here are a selection of photos of the active maths that we undertake in our school.

Lots and lots of patterns

Evan was exploring making patterns with some coloured bears here in Beaumont Hospital School. He made patterns with just colours e.g. red bear, yellow bear, red bear etc. Then he made patterns with both colour and size. Have a look at this one he made. Can you spot the pattern?

Yes it is Baby Blue bear, Daddy blue bear, Mammy yellow bear, Baby Blue bear, Daddy blue bear, Mammy yellow bear etc.

Rebecca while making an Ancient Greek inspired Mosaic needed to use her pattern skills to plan her design.

3D Shapes

Alfredo was working on 3D shapes. He made some 3D shapes out of lollypop sticks.


Jeff was working on understanding data grids.

2D shapes

We were also working with 2D shapes in class.

Jeff made these pictures using 2D shapes.

Rebecca made this flower.

What do you think of these lovely 2D shapes?

One of our students was learning about rectangles, squares and triangles.