A Project on CHINA

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Brandon has been working hard on his project on China. Here are some interesting facts he has uncovered about this country.

Enjoy his film.


Have a read through some of the information that Brandon found out about China.

The Great Wall of China is between 5 and 10 metres high. It is about 7 metres wide and it stretches for 6,000 km. The First Emperor of China ordered the wall to be made longer. The Great Wall was built to stop invaders. It took 2,000 years and 3 million plus workers were involved in the work. Elephants were used to carry big stones because they had no machines. There are watch towers along the Great Wall to store weapons, house troops and send smoke signals.

Chinese language is very different to English. The Chinese alphabet is very different to the English.

Soccer, basketball, and ping pong are the main sports in China.

Martial Arts are a famous sport in China. This is a picture of Wushu martial art. 

In the 2002 World Cup the Chinese International soccer team did not score one goal.

Interesting facts about China.

1. There are 300 million bikes in china.

2. There 9 million bikes in Beijing.

3. The Capital of China is Beijing.

4. The rickshaw carries people. It is like a cart.

5.  A fact about pandas’ is that they eat bamboo.

6.  Pandas are an endangered species there are not a lot of them left.

7. The 8099 terracotta soldiers buired with the first emperor were damaged by General Xiang Yu. They were untouched for the next 2000 years. No two soldiers are alike in the tomb.

This is a symbol of Yin Yang. Chinese people believe that everything has an opposite, like night and day, left and right, big and small, hot and cold.
